ways to optimize your blog

Ways to optimize your blog – Simple guide

Nowadays, everything is digital, and people strive hard to leave their digital print anywhere and everywhere to speed up their business or just be on the Internet.  But to make an impact and make your blog internet friendly, you need to know ways to optimize your blog efficiently. Don’t worry because this read will tell you all about it.


6 best ways to optimize your blog

Good research

For your blog to rank and reach the heights where you want it to reach, you need to give some time and thought to keyword research.

Keep in mind that your keywords are what will build your blog and will help it rank better; make sure you get the best competitive keywords along with LSI keywords, etc.

Just not that but also make sure you don’t stuff your blog with those keywords, and they are always naturally curing in your read.

Placing of those keywords

Now that you have your well-researched keywords in your hand, you need to make sure that they are placed carefully and properly all over your blog.

Your keywords should be in these several spaces, such as the title, headings, subheadings, first sentence, last paragraph, meta description, etc.

Add links

This is a practice that some people run away from, which can benefit them if they stick to it, and that is adding outbound and inbound links.

These links might be a way to access your site, just a different topic, or maybe access somebody else’s site having the same discussion as your blog for better info and reverence.

This way, you will be making friends without speaking, and they might add your blog link’s too, supporting your blog and vice versa.


Make sure that you are giving q reason for your readers to stay, make your blog as interactive as you can. Use bullet points, headers, etc., to make sure that you stand out.

Apart from that, make sure that you and your blog are accessible to people by letting them subscribe to your blog so that they get updates whenever you post.


This feature comes separately, but you can easily avail of it by paying a little extra.

Add pictures

As we mentioned earlier that you need to make your blog as attractive as possible, and that can be easily done by adding beautiful and vibrant pictures to your blog.

One more advantage of adding pictures to your blog is that you can also add the respective link from where you picked the picture, indirectly linking your site to them, which will and can derive an audience.


One more way that you can make your blog more SEO woke is that you can share your blog and its link as much as you can.


You can share it to your social media, your friends, your acquaintances, put up status or post about it, etc. The more you will expand its digital footprint; the more people will be attracted to it.

Last words

So what are you waiting for? Apply these amazing tips now and be on top of the google search engine.